Doing life together requires intentionality
Oak Life Church is a special place, how do we put our values into practice?
We recognize that walking the talk is an important part of becoming a community that embodies its values. We strive to be a justice seeking and LGBTQ+ affirming church with deep roots and wide branches that reflects God’s love to all. Below you’ll find some practices, commitments, structures and more that we’ve established over the years as well as some ideas for how to show up for others in our community. Also, we’re always open for ways to grow, so there is a feedback form if you have other ideas.
Community Commitment
If you’re joining us on Sundays or engaging in other spaces of our community we ask that you love your “neighbors” by walking in humility, respect, and curiosity. Oak Life is a beautiful and diverse church with people from a myriad of different backgrounds and experiences. While the work of community is messy, we seek to nurture a healthy and healing atmosphere within Oak Life. Below are a couple resources for our continued growth:
Consider being “Rooted” at Oak Life
Being rooted at Oak Life isn’t just about showing up on Sundays—it’s about planting yourself in a community that’s deeply connected to Jesus and the city we love. Click above to learn more.
How To Be An Ally Resource Page
Here you’ll find an ongoing list of resources and ideas for how to support other members of the Oak Life community. Our hope is that we would all honor the unique journey of each individual in the community which, is something that requires intentionality and a deepening awareness of ourselves and the ways we can best communicate, support, and love one another.
Harm Reporting Policy and Form
Unfortunately many churches have historically brushed instances of harm under the rug or lacked the resources for addressing harm when it happens. Should harm happen within Oak Life we strive to respond with care, support, and accountability. We believe in the work of healing and growth, and one of the ways we practice this is by taking harm seriously. To read our Harm Policy or view our Reporting Form click here.
Leadership Structure
How we structure our community matters. Over the years we’ve implemented a few different systemic practices that help us cultivate a community of healing, where power is held with transparency and support, and where we can benefit from the gifts and voices of more people.
At Oak Life we are fortunate to have two pastors who serve our community and share responsibilities. Our co-pastors operate under the direction and accountability of our leadership team and are paid equally. This leadership model decentralizes power, offers more sustainability, and allows for multiple voices to pastor within our community.
Leadership Team Structure & Commitments:
Oak Life is governed by a rotating group of diverse volunteers who oversee the the health of our community and support our staff. Leadership Team (LT) terms range from 1-3 years and the team votes through consensus. If you’d like to read the shared values of the LT or the language in our bylaws that describes LT qualifications and duties, head to the bottom of this page*. To contact members of the current LT click here.
Chairperson clause:
From section 5.9.a of Oak Life’s bylaws: “This person should identify in such a way that contrasts and balances the Pastoral Staff. For instance if the pastors identify as cis-males, in efforts to subvert the patriarchy, the chairperson should identify a woman or non-binary. The Chairperson has the responsibility to uphold and honor the egalitarian values of Oak Life Church. The purpose of this clause is not for optics. The Leadership Team has the responsibility to elect someone who identifies as a woman or non-binary. Should the pastoral staff change, the LT is responsible to revisit this item in order to reflect the values of Oak Life accordingly.”
Sunday Gatherings
Part of our community rhythms includes gathering for worship and fellowship on Sunday mornings. The hope of this weekly space is to be reminded God’s love for the world and to be invited to join in the work/experience of reflecting God’s love to ourselves and others. Each Sunday you can expect some intentional music, discussion on topics of faith/life, and range of voices. We hope you engage and participate as you’re able! Also helping to craft our Sunday experience is our “Speaking Team”:
Speaking Team Philosophy & Values:
”Oak Life is a Jesus following, justice seeking, and LGBTQ+ affirming church. While not all speakers are required to agree on all issues, speakers should align with our shared values of following Jesus of the Bible, LGBTQ+ inclusion, and an overall desire to cultivate a church community where more voices matter and where God can speak through us all. With this in mind, the Speaking Team will be curated by the co-pastors to maintain these values from the pulpit. Additionally, outside speakers will be selected based on these shared values as well as representation of different voices. With this in mind, we hope to invite speakers who can provide a more broad perspective of the church, theology, and faith.
When it comes to content that is shared on Sunday mornings from the pulpit we are committed to referencing authors, speakers, images, and resources that share our values and deepen our understanding of the diversity of the church, especially voices who have often been marginalized. Representation matters and we hope to tell a story of God’s love for us that is expansive and transformative and goes beyond many of the Eurocentric traditions we have inherited historically.”
Pastoral Commitments
Oak Life is blessed to have to co-pastors who are responsible to care for, guide, and facilitate our community. Here are some of the ways our pastors are currently committed to their personal growth and upholding the values of our community:
Collegiate Learning and Church Networks:
Our co-pastors are participants in Launchpad Partners, a network of inclusive, Jesus-following, antiracist, love- and justice-generating communities who host monthly support call and annual conference/retreat for minister leaders across North America. Additionally, our co-pastors are always networking with ministry leaders locally and nationally who offer friendship and support including creating a quarterly lunch for local pastors of inclusive/justice seeking churches.
Annual Education/Conferences/Trainings:
Every year our co-pastors are given a small education budget which they can use to attend conferences or other trainings. In 2025 they attended the symposium: The Future of Faith: Imaging Life Together. In prior years they also attended Faith and Justice Network entitled “The Future of Faith: Finding our Way Together”.
Leadership Team Accountability/Support:
Each month our co-pastors share updates, seek support/direction, and follow up on deliverables/deadlines with our LT. We seek to have pastors who are accountable, supported, well-boundaried, and growing in their own personal health. Healthy and supported leaders help cultivate healthy and growing communities.
Pastoral burnout is at an all time high. In order to support our co-pastors our LT has voted to provide an annual one month sabbatical in order to rest, renew, and professionally grow. Additional benefits to this intentional time of rest is the decentering of any one person and an annual reminder that productivity is not our highest concern.
Restorative Justice Training:
In August 2023 the LT voted to hire Circle Up, a Restorative Justice Organization, to offer trainings to our community. Circle Up will continue to be a resource for the community as needed and our hope to to provide further spaces for the community to grow.
Our co-pastors seek regular coaching from resources that help cultivate their leadership within Oak Life. In 2023 and 2024 Greg and Chris met Erna Kim Hackett who specializes in supporting leaders in justice minded and inclusive communities.
Outside Commitments
As a community we seek to grow deep roots and branch out to the world. Here are some ways our community reflects it’s values in our branches:
-”Verified clear” on Church Clarity
-Signer of Beloved Arise Commitments
Outside Generosity
Shumi Tax:
Oak Life is a supporter of Sagorete Land Trust and pays an annual “Shumi” tax. Sogorea Te’ Land Trust is a 501c3 which honors and celebrates the legacy of indigenous peoples of our region. The Shuumi Land Tax is an invitation to support the vital work of the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust, a small step towards acknowledging the history of genocide on this land and contributing to its healing.
Third Sunday:
Every year Oak Life donates 10% of our budget to outside causes that align with values through our Third Sunday Program which highlights a different organization/cause each month.
Regular Service
Creek Cleanups:
Twice a year we put into practice our value of Creation Care by joining others in our city at the Creek to Bay and Earth Day Cleanups of Courtland Creek
Oakland Pride:
Each year Oak Life sponsors a booth at the Oakland Pride Festival to show our solidarity, affirmation, and love for our LGBTQ+ family. Additionally we distribute free water to festival-goers. This year we gave out over 1,900 waters!
Operation Cranberry Sauce:
Since the beginning of Oak Life we’ve joined other churches in the distribution of Thanksgiving Meals in our neighborhood. Over the years we’ve given out over a thousand Turkeys! This event usually takes place the Saturday before Thanksgiving- check the newsletter if you’d like to participate!
Town Fridges Meal Prep Group:
Recently a group formed to prepare meals for Town Fridges. Oak Life financially sponsored the food. If you’d like to join one of the meal prep groups check the newsletter
Feedback Form
Got ideas for how we can continue to grow as a church? Your voice matters and the Leadership Team values your input. Feel free to share your ideas below:
*Extended Leadership Team Information
Leadership Team Qualifications:
From section 6.1 of Oak Life’s bylaws “ The names of the prospective Leadership Team Members shall be brought before the
Leadership Team, who will select new team members based upon current involvement
within and commitment to the betterment of the Oak Life Church community, their ability
to reflect the diverse perspectives within the Church, and the needs of the Church. Once
new members are nominated the Leadership Team shall vote on new members through a
consensus vote.
6.2 Qualifications for the Leadership Team.
(a) Oak Life Church invites any of its active community members to participate as Leadership Team Members (LTMs) as long as they have displayed a commitment to the community and an ability to work effectively on a team with respect, empathy, self awareness, and a collaborative spirit. This allows the leadership to be as diverse as our congregation. Leadership Team Members should reflect a varying set of skills, experiences and backgrounds, and practice humility and authenticity with a desire to participate collaboratively on a team to support the overall health and sustainability of Oak Life Church.
(b) Leadership Team Members should be active participants in the life of Oak Life Church through regular engagement with community activities and consistent attendance at scheduled meetings.
(c) Leadership Team Members should be practicing sacrificial generosity towards Oak Life in their time, talent, and treasure in some form.
(d) Leadership Team Members should be committed to the Christian faith, though are not required to be without doubts or questions regarding matters of faith and practice. The Leadership Team should be in agreement with the core theological framework of Oak Life Church, “In essentials, unity. In nonessentials, diversity. In all things, grace.” For Oak Life Church the essential unifying faith is in “Jesus Christ of the Bible”—the son of God, who died for our sins and yet rose again; who taught us to love God and love all others as ourselves. In this area of theological framework Oak Life Church seeks unity, but appreciates
diversity of thought in other theological areas among members of the Leadership Team, the Lead Pastor, and other employees. Leadership Team Members will help Oak Life Church maintain faithfulness to its belief statements and values. Oak Life’s values are: Compassion, Contextualization, Creation Care, Creativity, Deep Community, Diversity, Intellectual Engagement, and Peace and Justice.
(e) Leadership Team Members should be accountable to the rest of the Leadership Team and conduct themselves in ways which do not compromise the Church and its values.
Leadership Team Shared Commitments
As a member of the Oak Life Leadership Team I am committing to:
-Intentionally caring for the spiritual and physical health of Oak Life Church
-Showing respectful consistency with my attendance and engagement
-Doing my best to honor personal boundaries - both for myself and others
-Working collaboratively and with a spirit of humility and curiosity
-Being mindful to help foster a space where all voices of the team matter (notice patterns of participation)
-Doing the work of repair if or when misunderstandings or miscommunication happen in a timely manner
-Holding the tension when conversations are uncomfortable while having grace for myself and others as we do the messy work of community
-Prioritize focus on the impact before intent, gracefully & lovingly working through moments when negative impact has been experienced (not avoiding intent, but also not prioritizing it)
-Accept non-closure when our process is slow and it takes time to reach consensus
-Respecting the confidentiality of our conversations
-Respecting one another by communicating directly to individuals when there is an issue that needs to be processed through
-Being aware of how positionality and power dynamics may keep all voices from being considered