A Prayer for the Election

On the Sunday before the 2018 midterms Oak Life Church will take a moment in our service to pray for the election and our country.   The chosen prayer has been circulated throughout countless churches and can be found below.  

But before we get to the prayer, let's take a moment to reflect:

As our nation seems more divided than ever, and our world is increasingly faced with difficulties, it is urgently important to remember that as followers of Christ our hope should lie in the Kingdom of God, rather than earthly kingdoms and candidates.   The Kingdom of God is the reality and movement of Jesus to bring a different kind of rule and reign into our world.  This different way flips the "kingdoms" of our world upside down and will outlast all nations.  It's a movement of love, forgiveness, and grace for all.  It's a place where the least are the greatest and where peace and justice thrive. 

Our calling as the church (the global and historic family of Jesus-followers) is to be a foretaste, or a picture of this reality in our world.  Sometimes this happens within the realm of politics and other times it happens in spite of them because our hope is ultimately anchored in the empty tomb of Jesus Christ and nothing else.  So we strive to love our enemies, forgive those who have wronged us, care for the vulnerable, pray for our nation and its leaders, deepen our respect for all humanity, and trust that God has been, and always will be with us- regardless of who gets elected. 

In this moment, as polarized and as broken as we are, we believe our nation desperately needs kingdom people who's lives are oriented around this reality - the reconciling hope of the Jesus' Kingdom. 

Would you join us in praying for our country and our world at this important moment?

A Prayer for Our Nation:

L: Merciful and loving God, as we prepare for Election Day, send the light of your Holy Spirit into the hearts of all in our nation. Bring peace and hope where there is confusion, discord and apathy.


L: Guide those who hold elected office, may their leadership bring about positive change in our communities. Protect them and their families from both corruption and harm.


L: Awaken in us a strong desire to work for the common good of all peoples, especially the most vulnerable in our world. Enable us to differ and to dialogue with reverence and respect for one another. May we steward the gift of democracy in a way that reflects your love.


L: Pour out on us a spirit of wisdom and discernment to help us choose government officials and policies that will help our society become more just for all.


ALL: We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
