We recently started new conversation called "You are Here" where we engage one of the most cherished sections of the scripture, the Psalms. Part poetry, part worship, and part song, the Psalms are a collection of ancient prayers which display the full spectrum of human experience. Sometimes we'll find ourselves in the deepest, darkest valleys, and other times on the mountaintops or everywhere in between. Each week we're looking at a specific location that we might find ourselves in and see where the divine meets us in the midst it.
Also, we're going to be having some fun engaging the Psalms through an instagram scavenger hunt. Below you'll find 10 different settings that represent a location from the Psalms that we might find ourselves in at some point in our lives. We're inviting everyone to journey with us by taking pictures at these locations and using the hashtag #psalmsonlocation to share. This is a great way to spend some time engaging scripture and also spending time in a geography that portrays God's love wherever we are. Plus there will be a prize for anyone who gets all 10!
Finally, below the scavenger hunt list are some reading resources as well as a video conversation between Bono and a Pastor/Author named Eugene Petersen that talks about the Psalms. Some of these books will be referenced on Sundays, and others are just provided to help us go deeper.
#PSALMSONLOCATION Instagram Scavenger Hunt:
1) A tree beside quite waters: Psalm 1
2) In the valley of the shadow of death: Psalm 23
3) On the mountain top: Psalm 123
4) In the house of the Lord (a place you feel connected to God): Psalm 84
5) In exile (a location you feel unfamiliar with or out of place): Psalm 106
6) A place of awe and wonder: Psalm 96
7) In the storm (a place of chaos or uncertainty): Psalm 77
8) A place of refuge: Psalm 71
9) A place of victory: Psalm 124
10) In the desert: Psalm 107
Bono and Eugene Peterson on The Psalms
Books for Further Exploration
Praying with the Psalms by Eugene Petersen
I'm Loneley Lord-How Long? Meditations on the Psalms by Marva Dawn
Praying the Psalms by Thomas Merton
Introduction to the Psalms by Nancy de Claissé-Walford
Reflections on the Psalms by C.S. Lewis
Psalms: the prayer book of the Bible by Dietrich Bonhoeffer