Lent : Revisited

Oak Life, did you see or feel ______today?

Each year, Christ followers around the world observe a season of reflection known as Lent. For those who practice it, the 40 days (plus Sundays) leading to Easter provide a time to cultivate awareness of God's presence.

This year, Lent begins on February 10th, and many Christians will recognize the day by having ashes placed on their forehead. With Ash Wednesday comes a sense of somberness, and acknowledgement of our sin and mortality—that we came from dust and to dust we will one day return. But the word Lent is derived from words meaning "spring," and the next six weeks of devotion and renewal include a sense of new life, slowly emerging from winter. This fills us with expectation and hope for Easter Sunday, when we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ.

Oak Life may not be the most traditional church, but we want to be able to embrace the beauty and wisdom of our historic and global faith. Our hope is to become more aware of the sacredness of life as we enter into this seasonal rhythm alongside followers of Christ from various backgrounds and denominations. We invite you to reflect on the words we've curated, and join us as we post #didyouseefeel images and contemplation on OakLifeChurch social media. Whether it's in intentional prayer, an image captured, conversation over tea (Aileen is hosting every Tuesday night at 8:15, if you'd like to join), or stray thought, we'll move towards recognizing the presence of God.

Each day pictures will be posted to the Oak Life instagram (@oaklifechurch) with some reflections on the following themes. 

#didyouseefeel Daily Reflections

2.10  Patience

2.11  Thirst

2.12  Kindness

2.13  Victory

2.15  Progress

2.16  Faith

2.17  Loss

2.18  Goodness

2.19  Rest

2.20  Discipline

2.22  Temptation

2.23  Love

2.24  Brokenness

2.25  Solitude

2.26  Chaos

2.27  Wonder

2.29  Mercy

3.1  Persecution

3.4  Mystery

3.5  Light

3.7  Forgiveness

3.8  Vulnerability

3.9  Joy

3.10  Community

3.11  Power

3.12  Beauty

3.14  Hunger

3.15  Peace

3.16  History

3.17  Weakness

3.18  Blessings

3.19  Growth

3.21  Self-control

3.22  Wisdom

3.23  Sacrifice

3.24  Promise