

Hi! My name is Angelica. Born in SF but raised in Oakland, I spent the past few years trying to find my way back to my beloved City of Oakland. After getting connected to Oak Life Church and establishing friendships I finally moved back in Feb. 2014. When I am not working or hanging out with friends I am usually coaching or playing volleyball.

For fun...

I like to stay active and many of the activities I participate in often include spending time with the friends I’ve made at OLC. When we get together we play Ultimate Frisbee at a neighborhood park with the baristas that make my morning latte. We also run around Lake Merritt with the Green Cormorant Run Club, bake, worship, eat dinner and whatever else is going on in Oakland!

Why I am a part of Oak Life?

During the Sunday morning announcements at Crosswinds Church I listened to Chris Scott talk about plans to start a church in the Oakland/Berkeley area. “Score!” I thought to myself, no more driving to Dublin from Oakland on Sundays. However quickly after meeting Chris I realized there were amazing things in store for the church plant and not just a 5 minute commute to church. I started attending small group and outside of family, I have never felt so accepted, loved and appreciated. OLC members are also passionate about serving their community.  Because of the commonalities I share with OLC and my long time desire to be reborn in Christ in November 2013 Chris did the honors of baptizing me at Crosswinds Church! Being reborn through baptism in front of my brothers and sisters in Christ is an experience I will forever be grateful for.

Hopes and Dreams

My number one hope for Oak Life Church is that we never lose sight of our original calling, to serve those often forgotten or rejected. And to be a place where no matter where you are in your faith journey you feel welcomed and safe at Oak Life Church.