Let the Feast Begin.

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On Sunday Oak Life began a conversation we're calling "No Reservations".  It's all about the meals Jesus shared with those around him.   Our hope is to reflect on the reality that God is inviting us all to a forever-feast with Him as we enter into sacred meals with each other, with strangers, and as we seek to meet needs in our community.  Make sure to check out some of the ways you can be a part of this conversation throughout the week below! 

BRANCHES (how we go out together): 

Generosity:  As a church plant, we need the support of everyone to grow into the church we sense God calling us to be.  You can donate online to Oak Life here:  http://www.oaklifechurch.com/generosity/

Operation Cranberry Sauce: On Saturday November 22nd Oak Life will be partnering with our sending church, CrossWinds and Fair Oaks Church to feed 5,000 people in the East Bay with Thanksgiving meals.  The New Parkway Theater will also be partnering with us by opening up their space and letting the theater lobby be a distribution center.  In order to pull this off we need two things from the Oak Life Community.  First, we need to pay for the 40 meals we will be distributing.  We've already raised over $400 towards the $1,040 it will cost- that means we only need about $600 to pay for the rest of the meals.  This is a great opportunity to make a difference in our community- so please donate.  You can donate by going to our generosity page and making a one time donation of $26 or a multiple of $26 (that helps us track that these donations were for Cranberry Sauce).  Second, we need  volunteers to help distribute the meals on Saturday November 22nd at the New Parkway between 9AM-Noon.  

YEAH! Homeless Support staring:  Once a month, starting November 15th, OakLife will be providing a meal for the YEAH! Homeless shelter.  To sign up for the for the November 13th meal-  go here.  Also, if you would like to help serve the meal and volunteer on site you'll need to attend one of the YEAH! orientations.  You can email Jenna for any and all info regarding YEAH! (jenna.weight@gmail.com) 

Leadership Think Tank Forming:  Over the next few weeks we'll be inviting folks to be a part of a monthly conversation about the vision, plans, and various issues connected to our community.  If you'd like to be a part of this think tank- email Chris.  Our first conversation will be Wednesday November 12th at 7PM- location TBD.  

ROOTS (how we go deep together):

"No Reservations" Reading:
If you'd like to go a little deeper with this conversation we've got some suggestions.
-Reread the Gospel of Luke paying special attention to meals.
-A Meal with Jesus by Tim Chester
-Subversive Meals by R. Allen Street
-Eating Your Way Through Luke's Gospel by Robert Karris

Tuesday Night Life Group: Each week everyone is invited to this group.  Usually we meet at the Quad house for dinner, discussion, and prayer, but this week we will be doing our once a month fun night.  Come hang out with us at The New Parkway Theater for Bingo Night tonight!  We'll be meeting there at 6:45 to get some food and hang out- then Bingo begins at 7:30.  This is a great chance to bring some friends to an Oak Life hang out AND meet some folks in our community.  Let us know if you have any questions!

Community Dinner at Jenna's Wednesday Night: As part of our "No Reservations" conversation, Jenna Weight has opened up her place to a community dinner on Wednesday. Below is the info from her and you'll need to email her for the address (jenna.weight@gmail.com ): 

"I'm going to make vegetarian potato soup and rolls- if someone can bring salad and someone dessert, if that works in your email! Or email me to see what to bring.
If you want to put 630 or 7 for a start time but that people can come over to hang out anytime after 6 that works for me!"