Rooted at Oak Life Church

Welcome to Oak Life Church!

We believe that faith is a journey, and it’s one that’s best traveled together. Here at Oak Life, we’re about keeping it real—faith, community, and justice are at the heart of everything we do. We’re an affirming and progressive church, and we believe that Jesus calls us to love without limits. No matter who you are or where you’re from, there’s a place for you here. In a city as diverse and vibrant as Oakland, we’re all about embracing the richness of our differences while coming together in faith.

What Does It Mean to Be Rooted at Oak Life?

Being rooted at Oak Life isn’t just about showing up on Sundays—it’s about planting yourself in a community that’s deeply connected to Jesus and the city we love. Here’s what it looks like to be rooted in our community:

  • Building Real Connections: We’re about building real, meaningful relationships. Whether it’s through small groups, shared meals, or just hanging out, being rooted here means finding your people—those who will walk with you through life’s ups and downs.

    • Examples: Ballers’ Games // Beer Garden Hang // Life Groups // etc.

  • Nurturing Your Spirit: We’re here to help you grow in your faith, no matter where you are on your journey. From laid-back Bible studies to creative worship, we want you to explore what it means to follow Jesus in a way that’s authentic to you. We keep it open and honest—because that’s how real growth happens. Being rooted at Oak Life means having the space to ask questions, wrestle with doubts, and discover what the good news means to you.

    • Examples: Book Studies // Prayer Group // One on ones // etc. 

  • Justice in Action: Oakland has a legacy of activism and standing up for what’s right. At Oak Life, we’re committed to carrying that legacy forward as followers of Jesus. Being rooted here means getting involved in the work of justice—whether it’s through local outreach, advocating for the marginalized, or joining hands with our neighbors to make a difference.

    • Examples: Faith Walks // Creek Clean Ups // Community Meal Preps // etc.

  • Growing with Oak Life: Everyone has something unique to offer, and we want to help you find ways to share your gifts. Whether it’s organizing an event, leading a group, or helping shape the direction of our community with your time, talents and/or financial treasures, there are plenty of ways to step into leadership and make an impact.

    • Examples: Volunteering // Life Group Leads // Financial Generosity // Etc. 

Wait?! Is this church membership?:

Well, yes and no. Yes, because as one body has many members that make the body, our community has many beautiful people who help make Oak Life the community it is– and thus, are members (technically). But no, in that we are not determining who is “in” and who is “out” by any specific criteria. That decision is between you and the Holy Spirit. If you have spent enough time with us to feel a part of the community, then it’s time to plant roots!

How to Get Rooted:

If you are thinking about putting down roots at Oak Life, we’d love to get to know you better. Here’s how to start:

  1. Join a Gathering: These are informal get-togethers where you can learn more about who we are, what we’re about, and how you can get involved. It’s also a great chance to meet others who are looking to grow in their faith.

  2. Connect with Our Pastors: We’d love to hear your story and explore how Oak Life can support your walk with Jesus. This is a laid-back conversation where you can ask questions, share your experiences, and explore what being rooted at Oak Life might look like for you.

  3. Celebrate Your Rootedness: Once you decide to be rooted here, we won’t necessarily celebrate with you during one of our services, but if you’re interested in a special moment to recognize the start of a new chapter in your faith journey, there are creative ways we can explore together!

Let’s Grow Together:

Oak Life Church is more than just a place to worship—it’s a community where we live out the love and justice of Jesus in Oakland. If you’re looking for a place to put down roots, we invite you to join us. Let’s grow together, serve together, and make a difference together.

For more information or to start the process of getting rooted, please contact us at or visit our website at We’re excited to meet you and see where this journey takes us!

Rooted at Oak Life Church: FAQs

1. How is "rootedness" different from traditional church membership? Rootedness at Oak Life focuses on connection, growth, and community rather than formal membership. While traditional church membership might emphasize joining an organization, being rooted here is about establishing deep relationships, engaging in spiritual practices, and participating in the work of justice. It’s about being an integral part of the community rather than just a name on a list.

2. Do I have to live in Oakland to be rooted at Oak Life? While Oak Life Church is deeply connected to Oakland, we welcome anyone who feels called to be part of our community, whether you live in Oakland or not. Our focus is on building a diverse and inclusive community where everyone can find a place to belong, no matter where you call home.

3. What kind of commitments are expected if I’m rooted at Oak Life? Being rooted at Oak Life involves committing to grow in your faith, build relationships within the community, and participate in our collective work for justice and service. We encourage you to engage in worship, join small groups, volunteer, and use your gifts to serve others. The level of involvement is up to you, and we’ll support you wherever you are on your journey.

4. Are there any formal requirements to be rooted at Oak Life? There are no formal requirements, like signing a membership contract or adhering to a specific set of beliefs. We simply ask that you come as you are, with a willingness to grow in your faith and contribute to our community in a way that feels meaningful to you.

5. Can I vote if I’m rooted at Oak Life? Kinda. The broader community only votes as a means for nominating people to the Oak Life Leadership Committee (LT). Those on LT are responsible for the decisions that lead our community. If you’re on LT, you can vote on these topics, otherwise you don’t have to worry about it. So, do you have to be rooted to be on LT?... pretty much. There’s no formal requirement but if people don’t know you, how can they vote for ya?

6. What if I’m not sure about getting rooted yet? That’s okay! We understand that everyone’s journey is different, and we want you to take the time you need. Planting roots should be a slow and intentional process. You’re welcome to participate in our services, events, and groups at your own pace. When you feel ready, we’ll be here to help you take the next step.