Oak Life Life Group Info
Oak Life Groups Info
Hi There! Thank you for being willing to host a group at Oak Life! Life Groups are invaluable spaces for our community to grow and for deep relationships to be formed. Below you’ll see some info about how we try to organize groups, some ideas for how to organize a group, and what info we need from you. Once we know what you’re group might look like, we’ll put out sign up sheets on Sundays for a few weeks and invite folks to sign up. Then we’ll pass along all the info to you so that you can reach out to those who want to attend. Sign ups will be in September with the hopes of groups starting the first week of October.
Oak Life Groups Info:
The aim of having groups is to create space beyond Sundays to foster deeper relationship within our community. Some groups do a Bible study, others share a meal, and others have some other sort of discussion. The hope is that as we begin to share life together and establish patterns of spending time in community, we'll grow closer to one another and to God.
We loosely organize our groups into “seasons" in order to give hosts a break and also provide lots of "on-ramps" for folks to join a group throughout the year. This is totally optional, but many have found it helpful in order to keep things sustainable. The Fall season runs from late September through December. Then the Winter/Spring season runs from February through May. During the Summer we take a break from having groups. About half way through the season we’ll check in with you to see how it’s going and if you need anything from us. Of course, along the way if there is any way we can support, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Ideas for how to run a group:
We trust that each group can uniquely form as it sees fit as long as they are respecting the values of Oak Life.
If you’re looking for ideas on how to organize a group, we’ve got you covered:
Potential Group Meeting Outline/Format:
7:00 Welcome / Hang Out / Mingle with snacks
7:20 Gather everyone in and start with an ice breaker (for example: “go around and say your name and share a high and low from your week”)
7:30 Discussion (Book study, film discussion, discussion on Sundays sermon, testimonies, Bible Study, show and tell, etc.) If you need ideas here, let’s talk!
8:40 Closing time of prayer. Basically, ask if there are any prayer requests, then invite group members to pray for each prayer request.
9:00 Clean up and head home Other Group Ideas While the above format is a pretty traditional structure, we hope groups can form as they desire.
Here are some other groups that have formed in the past:
-Online Discussion Groups
-Dinner group
-Film Discussion Groups
-Jogging Group
-Baking Group
-Study Group
-Craft Group
What we need from you:
Name of main contact person:
Contact info (email is best):
Meeting Location for the Group:
Topic/theme of the group:
Time of the group: